
With its bold design and intense taste, Martell XO is an expression of the audacious spirit of Maison Martell. It is the House’s interpretation of the prestigious Grande Champagne terroir. It balances the power and intensity of Grande Champagne with the elegance of the rare Borderies cru, which has been the signature of Maison Martell for more than 300 years.
XO is instantly identifiable for its intense taste and daring, contemporary design. A prestigious blend of Grande Champagne and Borderies eaux-de-vie, this cognac has a bold and charismatic personality, which is reflected in the striking arch of its bottle. Redesigned two years ago, with a refreshed, more modern look of the bottle, it represents French luxury Cognac and is in especially high demand among Asians – the main market is China.
Due to the exquisite bottle design that features a resembling shape, with large thin walls, a pronounced arch, and refined etiquette embossing the challenges were definitely present with the Martell XO Cognac bottle. With such complex shapes distribution of glass is the number one priority of the development team.
Countless measurements of dimensions and radiuses are taken to be able to use the same machine’s spare parts on bottling lines, while also assuring the straightness of all the sides of the bottle and keeping the quality of glass at the highest level. In short, the greater the detail, the more complicated is the development.


For the numeric 3D measurements, many mock-ups were made and many setups were used on the production line, changing the blank and blow mold. It is always a hazard to deal with thin walls as warming up the bottle causes shrinkage and deformation of walls. Cool it down too much and other problems await. To oppose that, delicate cooling techniques must be used to ensure straightness. This was all solved with special cooling bridges, custom-built cooling pipes, and optimization of mold cooling grooves.
The final market also requested to improve the quality level and Hrastnik1860 succeeded to reach this quality level during the first two production runs. In the end, the customer was more than satisfied with the results.
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