GlassPedia Hrastnik1860
Welcome to GlassPedia, your ultimate knowledge centre for all things related to glass bottles and beyond, proudly brought to you by HRASTNIK1860.
Whether you’re on the hunt for the perfect glass bottle, seeking expert advice on product development, or delving into the intricacies of design, GlassPedia is your trusted resource.
Explore our comprehensive guides and unlock the timeless world of glass packaging.
9 steps to find the perfect glass bottle
Wondering how to select the ideal packaging for your spirits? Let us be your guiding light through the decision-making process with our detailed step-by-step checklist.
What to consider when choosing a glass bottle?
Discover the profound impact that perfect glass bottles can have on your competitive edge in the market. Our team of experts offers a full-service solution dedicated to crafting innovative glass packaging projects that align with the latest trends in the industry.
New product development
Experience the journey from concept to bottle as we bring your product to life through a meticulous development process – from conceptualization to final production.
Achieve technically demanding and intricate bottle designs that mirror the dedication you’ve poured into your liquid, bottle, and brand image.
Full-service solution
We are your partner for everything from R&D and innovation to new product (re)design, prototyping, decoration, accessory decisions, and secondary packaging.
References & Case studies
Explore the solutions we’ve crafted for various glass packaging challenges faced by our satisfied customers and esteemed business partners.
Our collection bottles
Ever wondered about the stories behind the names of our bottles? Dive into our visualizations and discover the inspiration behind our unique collection.
Smart solutions
Discover smart packaging solutions that not only enhance customer experiences but also provide the means to track your products effectively.