Webinar – Going Premium
Brands can, by adding elements of personalization and differentiation to their bespoke project or collection projects achieve higher value. This is called “premiumization”.
For the first time, more than half of the world’s population has enough disposable income to be categorized as middle class. By 2030, there will be 2 billion more middle-class people in this world. With the rise of people’s disposable income, premiumization is being driven by a desire for choice among consumers, with drinkers feeling like they are getting a better deal from their drinks even if they need to spend a little bit more. People are drinking less but drinking better – this premiumization and thirst for luxury spirits seem to be big factors accelerating the growth of brands…
… Trends Driving Premiumization …
Consumer & market directions
… Value creation through design …
Creating ROI by adding perceived value
Efficient and effective, from concept to industrialization
... Premiumisation & value creation cases ...
Specifics of the glass bottle design
Packaging premiumization projects
Factual case of Berryshka Spirits
Guest speaker:
James Hall – Senior Consultant at PARK
James joined PARK in 2013 following an extensive career in product design across two world class leading companies: LEGO and Hasbro. He is a knowledgeable creative leader with a proven corporate design background to direct, manage and launch multiple consumer products worldwide. James always is business-oriented, looking to capitalise and help people embrace new ways to think and deliver new experiences.
Internal speakers:
Klemen Resman – Sales and Marketing Director
Marko Kozmus – Development and Tool Maintenance Manager
Tanja Mudrinič – Head of Design Studio
+ Bonus – get a chance to WIN a FREE DESIGN for a premiumization project
Participation in the prize game involves leaving their information in the survey “Going Premium” which participants will receive on their email after the event.
The winner of the prize game will win a free design for a premiumization project on behalf of Steklarna Hrastnik’s design team. Free design includes:
- Preparation of the weight optimization solution for the bottle design (sketch drawings) according to the prizewinner’s brief.
- Preparation of visualization – 3D model, 2 corrections based on prizewinner’s feedback
- Rotation 3D file in PDF
The prize game winner will be announced on November 25th.
The prize is non-exchangeable, nor may any cash equivalent be requested. A prizewinner may not transfer their prize to a third party.
Read more about the rules of the prize game HERE.
To sign up send an email to matevz.martincic@hrastnik1860.com or click on the button below